Welcome to the L5 Afterschool Program!

  • The L5 Afterschool Program is open to all Pre-K through 6th grade students that are enrolled at Lipan ISD. Our hours are 3:30-6:00 Monday through Friday. We are closed on school holidays.  We meet in the school cafeteria where we eat snack and do our homework right after school. After homework time we offer a wide variety of activities for our students such as art, music, academic enrichment, STEM, health and community service. We have a center/gameroom and computer lab available as well. We believe creative play time is vital in the academic and social development of elementary age children. Tuition is $40 per week per child or $10 per day for  drop in. Reduced rates are available by qualification. All students must fill out enrollment paperwork prior to attending. Please contact Stacia Cook if you have any questions! Check our Facebook Page for more updates! 

This is the L5 logo
  • Stacia Cook 


    254-646-2266 ext 246 (3:20-6:00 pm only)